Reaper Hawk the Gladiator

By: Blackstump

Captured by slavers. Condemned to the Battle Pits. Reaper fought for life, freedom and a True Name and in winning them brought an empire to its knees.

An anti-hero is born!

Captured by slavers. Condemned to the Battle Pits. Reaper fought for life, freedom and a True Name and in winning them brought an empire to its knees.

Reaper’s plan was simple, use his Name-Quest to solve the mystery surrounding the disappearance of his friends. Captured by slavers and forced to fight for their enrichment, he thought he had his answer. Desperate for freedom, driven mad by Rage, he sought freedom in death. Struck down, he was called to answer for the royal blood he had unknowingly spilled. Condemned to die in the battle pits, he instead won a place as a gladiator and a reprieve, time enough, maybe, to find the answers his situation told him he still sought. He fought for life and freedom against the machinations of hidden enemies, knowing that time was fast running out. The Empire had roused the wrath of the clans and they, in their desire for vengeance, would destroy the city and any chance he might have of finding the truth.

Reaper Hawk the Gladiator is the first book in the Lysandrian Tales series, by author Ben Blackstump. It’s a stand-alone story after the flavour of Conan the Barbarian and Thongor. If you like Robert E. Howard, Lin Carter, Michael Moorcock, and Steven Brust, then you’ll love Reaper Hawk the Gladiator. It’s fast-paced sword and sorcery full of duels and dark heroism and just a dash of irreverent humour.

Reaper Hawk the Gladiator was originally released as Battle Pits of D’nur.




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